Dear friends,
It has been a long time since we have updated this blog and we apologize. We have had a very hectic year and sort of fell off the blog bandwagon. If you are a fan of Hilda Demirjian then you probably are up to date on events and photos via Facebook, LinkedIn, and twitter.
Where do I begin?
Well, for starters, I am very thankful to have supporters from around the world in helping me succeed. Without you it wouldn't be easy to stay open so THANK YOU!!
Since moving to 508 Mamaroneck Avenue, I have been able to spend more time there and see more clients because as many of you already know, we are a handicap accessible building.
I'm going to keep this entry short and simple because another entry will be posted about some awesome specials and services we have now!
Thank you again for following Hilda Demirjian & Staff